It is school holidays here, and we had planned to take our grand-daughters to the Zoo. Eureka - I now have a Z photo!
This is a Chapman's Zebra (Equus burchelli chapmani), native to open savannah grassland in southern Africa. They graze on short grass, leaves and shoots. Each zebra has its own unique pattern of stripes.

Had afew Zebra's - though others included Zebra butterflies, and zebra mussels.
Great Z choice.
Bodge's Bulletin
Yep, today was a bit of a challenge, but I was well-prepared with something you'll recognise.
I like these animals and am pleased that they are still alive in their native land but for how long.
Nice photography.
That's the first zebra I've seen in this collection!
Nice one too.
You can't get more Z than that!
You should get extra credit for working so hard on finding a z...
Love those stripes, and yes, I had never realized it, but every zebra's stripes must be like a fingerprint -- no two are the same... How interesting...
This zebra goes nicely with your July 15 post.
Interesting thoughts about the fingerprint threoy. Wll thought out choices again.
Now, he's handsome - that was the sort of photo I wanted to post but no sighting!
I thought EVERYONE would use zebra for Z but only have seen 2 so far.
Great photo of one of my favourite animals.
Bear((( )))
Wish I'd had a photo of a zebra, but come on over to see my collection of zoo creatures. :D
Nice capture of the zebra. The photo blended well with your previous photo of the black and white structure. :) Nice post.
I didn't know about the unique stripes...but I do now!
Thanks Gordon.
How wonderful!! Great and Lucky shot!!hughugs
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