Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ABC Wednesdays - P for Port Festival

Port Adelaide is rich in history and it came alive at the Port Festival last October; stories of the past were told by images projected on many of the buildings.

This image is of a scene in 1904 with with ships of the day on the river; a paddle wheel steamship and a sailing ketch.

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Ann said...

What a wondeful piece of history, my favorite kind of place to visit.

Black Jack's Carol said...

What a great example of bringing history alive to enrich our present. Port is such a perfect P word, and though I live in Vancouver, it didn't occur to me. Thanks!

Roger Owen Green said...

history is important!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Julie said...

History by hologram has been all the rage in Sydney, too, of late.

Online IT Solution said...

What a great example of bringing history alive to enrich our present. Port is such a perfect P word, and though I live in Vancouver, it didn't occur to me. Thanks!


Online IT Solution said...

What a wondeful piece of history, my favorite kind of place to visit.


Profile Not Available said...

What a terrific way to share the past! Your image has an almost tree-dimensional quality to it.