This is the Marino Rocks Lighthouse located about a kilometre inland in the Marino Conservation Park, just south of Brighton. The lighthouse was built in 1962 and can be seen in the Gulf from a distance of up to 42 kilometres.

here to see a view I posted last week of Adelaide's coastline at night from the Park.

The ABC Wednesday meme was created by Denise Nesbitt. To find out more about ABC Wednesdays and see other participants' contributions click
Nice lighthouse, and relatively "modern" too. I can see why it's a kilometre inland; have to go that far for high ground. Good "L."
Great lighthouse, Gordon, really beautiful shots! Have a great week!
Fascinating! I have a soft spot for all lighthouses! Lovely photos!
I don't think I've seen a lighthouse this far inland. Still looks very new. Love the location of those houses near the cliff's edge!
It's in a better setting than any lighthouse here and qso different too.
Thank you, Gordon! This one goes straight away to my collection of LightHouses!!!!!!
That lighthouse is beautiful! Nice shot!hughugs
Lots of lovely lighthouses lending looks to us lookie-loos.
Oh well I tried...this is a great post Gordon.
That first one is lovely - must have been taken in the 'magic hour'!
Lighthouses are always special, and this one was a beauty.
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