Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

Click on the photos to enlarge
As part of Adelaide's participation in Earth Hour, the Northern Lights' display and other public floodlit displays in the City were switched off between 8pm and 9pm.

We participated by switching off our lights and electrical appliances - no computers or TV for an hour!

Earth Hour was conceived last year in Sydney (Australia) as a way to highlight climate change. The event has gone global with at least 370 cities around the world taking part this year. Is your city one of them? Read a newspaper report here.

Apparently as a result of last year's event, many individuals and businesses did an audit of their energy uses and made permanent changes.

Here is a photo of our Art Gallery in daylight - the statuettes have gone!


Donna said...

Lots of celebration down there!! Must be a wonderful place...hughugs

Unknown said...

Good to hear that you participated in the 1 hour no electricity exercise :-)

Jim Klenke said...

We turned off last night. Even turned off the fridge. We checked the electric meter and it was barely moving.

alicesg said...

Nice to participate in the 1 hour no electricity exercise. I alway make sure all the appliances are switch off when I am not at home or noone using to save electricity.

sam said...

we participate in earth hour almost daily, thanks to the gross incompetence of our National electricity supplier!