National Sorry Day has been held in Australia since 1998;
a day of remembrance each year to commemorate the history of forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and its effects.
From the late 1800's until 1969 as many as 100,000
indigenous children were taken from their families in the name of assimilation. These children became known as the Stolen Generation.
Indigenous children were placed into government-run institutions, taken into church-run institutions and adopted or fostered by white families.

Yesterday a free community Sorry Day event was held in Victoria Square. This is a photo of one of the acts on stage; the lead singer Jarrad attended Warriappendi High School where I work in a computer support role. Students and staff from the school were there to support him.

The ABC Wednesday meme was created by Denise
Nesbitt. To find out more about ABC Wednesdays and see other participants' contributions click
What a great name for such a day -- doesn't try to cover up the apology with words that have little to do with regret! And a great subject for today! Lovely shot, as always, Gordon!
Sounds like a great idea - I've never heard of it. I didn't know about the Stolen Generation until quite recently, and was shocked and appalled. Surely all mothers everywhere would be.
Can't be fixed, but it can be remembered.
That is a very important word and it's a good thing that you guys have a day for this.
Don't worry... All countries have reasons to have a Sorry Day, also... I wish mine had.
Excellent choice, Gordon!!!!!
(and yes, it is good to have a nice seaside and riverfront... but the incompetence and greed of the authorities spoils everything...)
A Sorry Day...we all could use at least one a year.
I had no idea - it seems like we could all use several of these days as we've certainly created plenty of reasons to be sorry.
While this is a very sad part of history and may have a bearing on how things are today, there are many other thing to be sorry about too.There are many white babies and children who were 'stolen' too, stolen because of the mores of the time or by British Institutions that lied to them, telling them their parents were dead before shipping them to Australia to a new life.
Nothing diminishes the loss but let the forgotten ones have a voice too.
I like the banner, journey of healing. I have a relative who is part aborigine. But he doesn't want to say he is.
My boy said it is great to have such day to thing we need to apology. Is the Aborigine people accept your apology?
My Bangkok Through My Eyes
Great pic and fab post.
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